“Fortune 500 companies lose roughly $31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge.” (Babcock, 2004)

Knowledge Management — Gain a long lasting competitive advantage
Simply put, knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing and effectively using knowledge. Knowledge has become the key for the success of any organisation – not land, labour, or even capital. Knowledge is the energy fuelling businesses and this is increasingly the case as complexity and the rate of change increase.
Knowledge management helps companies grow, by:
- Embedding best practices in the organisation.
- Improving the quality and timeliness of business decisions.
- Increasing agility and innovation.
- Increasing efficiency and productivity and reducing cases of “reinventing the wheel”.
- Reducing the loss of know-how.
- Increasing client satisfaction by enhancing the quality and consistency of products and services.
- Accelerating delivery to customers.
- Enabling the organization to leverage its size by utilising the knowledge of all its employees.
Making critical knowledge easy to find, easy to understand, easy to share and easy to update provides the only truly sustainable advantage – the ability for your business teams to learn faster than your competition.
Contact us today to learn how Knowledge Management can empower your business.
GrowEQ distils the complicated, often confusing information that is important to the successful running of a business so it is quick and easy to understand and locate. This includes policies, procedures, work instructions and user guides. As we do this, we embed best practices.
The knowledge management services we offer include:
Policy and procedure writing – Structured content that can be followed even by staff with limited prior skills or knowledge and virtually no training. The content is presented in a way that entices staff to read it.
User guides and work instructions – These are designed to ensure that you get the most out of your software and equipment, and avoid costly mistakes. Not all software is intuitive to use!